When picking them to spray paint and put in dried arrangements we would leave them on their stems.
I picked these while in WV this fall and brought them home with me. I wasn't sure at the time what I was going to do, but I knew that the longer I looked at them, the more sure I would be to "see" what they were meant to be.

A coat of white paint later....

Ideas began forming. They are a strong, yet delicate. I love the shape and texture. At times they remind me of paisley, other times wings.
Since I have lots of feathers and pearls, I decided that I would make them fancy.

A few rhinestones to dress up another one.

And because I had pink feathers and this pin waiting for something special....

The first batch of fancies have winged their way into hearts; one all the way to Belfast, Ireland. Another to the big city of New York. Country fancies are definitely traveling.

I've got several more that are still waiting for inspiration. If you've got any ideas I'm open to suggestion.
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